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Annual Workplace Safety Committee Training

Course Description

Annual training of all safety committee members by a qualified provider is a requirement for state certification. This training must be completed prior to submitting your initial or renewal application. This training satisfies the requirements for annual training.


  • Safety Committee Operations
  • Hazard Detection & Prevention
  • Incident Investigation & Prevention
  • Substance Abuse & Opioid Painkiller Use

Webinar (WSC Webinar)

All committee members can participate in the 2 ½ hour webinar session in the same training room if you have a computer, projector and screen, internet connection and telephone. However, if they choose committee members can also participate from their own individual work stations.

Group Training (Group WSC)

This is a 2 ½ hour instructor led interactive training of safety committee members by a qualified provider in a group setting.
"Accident Prevention Through Education"